In the last few weeks more and more people have asked me “ So what is it that you do?” Some of these “people” are my people…the ones I consider closest to me! So now that I have thoroughly confused everyone I wanted to clear up what I am doing these day! My journey is going to be long, it is going to be winding and it is going to be a ride! I can barely keep up sometimes so maybe this will help me too!!

In 2011 when I left my job to become an entrepreneur I had no idea that I would ever even have the chance or the know how to write a blog like this. My skill set is diverse. If someone forced me to choose what I wanted to be when I grew up it would probably be a run on sentence. Because I know my destiny is not about experiencing one “job”, one “career” or really one of “anything you want to insert here.”

There are however quite a few things we can knock off the list! I am pretty sure the time has come and passed for me to be a gymnast, prom queen or spelling bee champ. We can also knock of the list some of the things that I feel just are not a good fit for me. For example, professional fisherman (seasickness is real), an actuary (shout out Greg! X+Y=Z –yall these are letters? I am confused!) , or actress ( I am not the best on camera, hence hiding behind the blog)!

But have no fear! There is still time for me to be a “Mom” in the traditional sense, maybe write a book, hopefully see all of the world, and continue to be present in every experience. So I digress…typical!

What is it that I am doing?!

Well guys…I am happy to say that I am entering into a new phase and a new partnership. I am proud to introduce Arya Creative.


Please follow us on…

Arya Creative on Facebook arya creative on google + arya creative on instagram arya creative on twitter pinterest and arya creative

I finally, finally realized that I cannot start every company or fund every idea that pops into this crazy head of mine, but I can really HELP other people with their business ideas! Narrowing in a bit more, what I am finding that I am the most helpful with is online branding. Anything with how you present your company online. This is a broad category because these days there are numerous strategies on how to make the best presentation. And guess what…just when you think you have it right it is time to start thinking about phase two, three, twenty four or whatever level you have gotten to. My brain works in such a way that I can help you at level -1 or level 24.

Quite frankly it is exhausting to have a brain that works this way.   And it is sad on some levels because sometimes I feel like I miss a lot because of this busy brain of mine. When I should be enjoying the views from the car window I am connected to the hotspot digging into html code.   No rest for the wary!

I am looking so forward to seeing all the ways that we help businesses all while becoming a creative force ourselves.

With that said I still have Gardner Brand Services set up with Leap of Faith Clothing and Style Gather all under this one company.  So please feel free to still reach out to me for any needs you may have!  Here are some of the things we can help with collectively…

  1.  Website Development (design, strategy, SEO, analytics, e-commerce etc)
  2. Marketing (strategy, social media, print, boosting product sales etc)
  3. Branding (logo, strategy, brand images etc)
  4. Products (promotional products, special order shirts, etc)

So the last piece of this is a confession.  I was hoping to post this with the ending of visit us at our new site!  But we are web people with an incomplete website.  I guess it just goes to show that we are working hard on our client projects and dedicated to making sure we are taking care of them first.  Our site is 90% complete so sit tight and I will share when we are LIVE!  Thanks for all the support….