There are so many causes that are near and dear to my heart. If there was enough time embrace and support each one I would. My current focus are on these causes..
Carolina Women in Tech
One of my biggest accomplishments so far is taking over leadership of the Carolina Women in Tech and Charlotte Women in Tech groups.
We have established a board and completed the paperwork to establish Carolina Women in Tech as a 501(3)c Non Profit. It was awesome to go through the process of building a non profit.
We hope to grow this group, which is focused on engagement, empowerment, and education for women in tech. We will be giving away scholarships, grants and conference support. We are over 900+ members and will be growing and establishing other groups in the state of North and South Carolina.
Good Friends of Charlotte
I am proud to be serving on the GFC board. I love their mission of offering a hand up not a hand out. We help people in need with micro funds that help them move forward. We meet once a year to raise money but there are many ways to get involved over the year if you want to help!
Carolina Breast Friends
I recently had the opportunity to join the marketing committee at the Carolina Breast Friends or commonly known in Charlotte, NC as the Pink House. The CBF team is committed to uniting and helping women with breast cancer. There is a unique kind of support and understanding that comes from living with breast cancer. As with many other journeys in life, it’s important to know that you are not alone. Having two parents that are survivors of various forms of cancer I am excited to get back on a team that is fighting the good fight to find a cure!
Frankie Lemmon School & Development Center
My parents have become deeply involved with The Frankie Lemmon School in Raleigh. This is a 5 Star child development center that welcomes children ages 3-5 with and without disabilities. The school provides inclusive classrooms and experiences offering all children a sense of belonging, friendships, and an opportunity to reach their full potential. I am excited to be able to use some of my work life skills to help with a website refresh. I hope to continue to work with this group on many things in the future!
Past Experience
North Carolina Boys Academy
Sam attended this school and the experience he got is a gift from God. The staff is AMAZING. We are honored to be sharing their mission and if you know of any young men that need guidance please, please, please let me know. The North Carolina Boy’s Academy is a therapeutic Christian boarding school for teenage boys struggling with life-controlling problems. The program is designed to help young boys, age 12-17, realize their potential and lay foundations to become courageous and God honoring men.
The First Tee of Charlotte
Board member of the The First Tee of Charlotte Young Ambassadors. The First Tee of Charlotte will impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through the game of golf. This is a simple way to impact a young persons life! Great news is that they do not judge your golf skills so anyone is welcome.
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