Help me…help them.

Twice today I have seen two terrible, horrible awful videos of dogs being mistreated.  One by a toddler that dropped a tiny puppy on a tile floor, shown not moving probably from brain damage and one of three men in China beating a dog (tied to a rope) with bats and...

Constant reminders that LIFE IS SHORT….

Written: 5/18/12 So this may not be the best time to blog but for some reason I think this one will turn out interesting… I guess I will start with what I posted on FB a bit earlier… It is with an extremely heavy heart that I write this update to tell you...

Day 9 & 10: This deck is full!

Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend Day 10: Something you’re afraid of Ok for those of you who really know me…know that I have numerous best friends.  I love forming friendships and I have formed some really strong ones over the years.  Ups and...

Day 6: A picture is worth….

Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy!   Ok so I love pictures!  My beautiful sister has an amazing camera and she knows how to use it!  haha!  No she is trying to get a free lance business started…so if you need pictures taken…she is your...

No Bra, No Pants, NO PROBLEM!!!

About 4 months ago I decided to start working from home!  If you know me, then you probably have mixed feelings about this move.  Bottom line… I am a SOCIAL person!  “Are you going to be ok working alone all day?” “Will you not miss you friends...

LOF GeeGer’s Style!

Ahh..the joys of owning an adopted pet!  Last week was quite an adventure for my little GeGe!  To really understand you must know that this all started about a year ago when I took a huge LEAP OF FAITH and decided to take in a little girl pug who needed a home.  She...