Tonight I got a call…a really good call. As a privilege to Sam, he gets weekly phone calls with me. They are only 15 minutes so there is typically a lot to fit in. As a privilege to me, tonight I got a call from him. A call to action.
An important part of the development program he is in, are mission trips. Teaching young men how to be leaders through service is an awesome and effective method. He had asked me previously if I could help fundraise for him to be able to go on a special mission trip that he would earn towards the end of his program. I whole heartily said yes. Tonight the game changed. He asked me to join him on his mission trip!
I know this is not just a call from Sam, but a call from God. What an amazing opportunity for the both of us to travel together to serve at a Teen Challenge program in Jamaica.
With everything going on this year I have taken a break from fun-raising. I am refreshed and excited that this cause and mission has found me. I truly believe that God has a plan and this is a true testament to that. I am elated that Sam will get to have this experience. I know how much I have grown and learned from my opportunities to travel. Shamefully none of my trips have mission trips and I have no doubt that this is God opening a door for both of us.
So now my humble plea! With all the financial responsibilities facing us (coupled with being a self employed small business owner), there is not a lot to spare. I have set up a Go Fund Me for Sam and I’s trip. We would be so honored if you would support our mission trip.
Watching God’s plan for Sam unfold has been simply amazing….this opportunity could truly change his life. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the support! To learn more about how we will be changing the lives of teens battling alcohol and drug addictions please visit the Teen Challenge Jamaica site.