Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend
Day 10: Something you’re afraid of

Ok for those of you who really know me…know that I have numerous best friends.  I love forming friendships and I have formed some really strong ones over the years.  Ups and downs and life changes have affected some of my friendships but I do not consider any of them less of a best friend because of it!  I can not fairly put a picture up because there are just too many!  I am the girl who is going to have the 15 person wedding party!  haha!  Here is a pic of my fury best friends to appease you! 

There are very few things that I am afraid of but I do have a few fears that I can discuss!  The first one started when I was on a 2 story deck in college that collapsed with 40-50 people on it.  It was scary to say the least.  I was not seriously hurt but the mental scar was big.  I now can not be on a tall deck and feel comfortable!  I also have a fear of things (decks, elevators, crowded 2 story bars, etc) falling out from under my feet.  Silly I know but you will not see me at Dandelion Market when the floor starts shaking!  I also am not a big fan of crawling things such as bugs or lizards.  Live and let live is my philosophy but when it comes to killing these critters I turn into a babbling idiot and stand on the kitchen counter!  Ha!