BlueSky Photography by Cass Bradley

I do not typically spend a lot of time on resolutions but this year I decided I would focus on two what I would like to call intentions.

1. Speak nicer to myself
2. Follow through

So when I was given the chance to do a photo shoot with Cass Bradley of BlueSky photography I was hitting both intentions. Ā Making the time to actually have someone do my hair and make up. Ā Making some time to do a little shopping for some hot dresses. Ā And then makingĀ the time to have some empowering photos taken in a beautiful space where all the focus was on me was awesome!

It was empowering to say the least. I walked away feeling very confident and still look at the photos and think…wow. Ā It was a perfect chance to follow through on a project that I had been putting off and also good practice at being nice to myself.


I would highly recommend doing a session with Cass. Ā We took this lots of different directions but I am excited about the photos that I can use here on my blog and also going forward. Ā Let me know if you want more information about Cass and her services!

I have never thought of myself as a competitive person, but alas turns out that a little competition goes a long way! Ā So two things I need your help with….

1. Ebates – my lovely boyfriend introduced me to this amazing app/ site / rebate engine! Ā I was hesitent, no idea why. Because this is amazing! You install or add the app

2. Camp Gladiator – I blogged about this program previously but now they are letting us give away a month free! Ā So you can start changing your life today! Ā All you have to do is email me about I will send you a code to redeem for a free month! Ā Come one, come all!


Get paid to shop…literally.

1.Ā Shop through Ebates at your favorite stores.
2. Earn cash back on your purchases.
3. Get a big fat check or a PayPal payment.



I’ve got a FREE month of Camp starting June 26 from Camp Gladiator. Message me for the code! One lucky person gets four weeks of unlimited group fitness! #FriendsWhoSweatTogether #StayTogether