Whose life will you influence by giving of your time and talent?

I often wonder whose??  Is it possible to know the answer?  Is there enough time in the day/week/year to make a difference?  Can you ever really do enough?  Which cause?  How?  

This past weekend I got a small glimpse into how I am able to use my time and talents for the betterment of those around me.  Quite possibly even people that I have not met, nor will ever meet.  A passion of mine that comes very naturally is charitable giving.  I know that I have a calling to give back in everything I do.  

Currently my biggest fundraising efforts are for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.  This will be the 3rd year that I will be walking 39 miles in an effort to show my support and commitment to finding a cure for Breast Cancer.  Believe me if I could afford to throw down $1800-8000 and call it a day…I would!  But honestly I am really glad that it is not that easy.  The way it is now I get a chance to  combine my love for networking and fundraising.  At the end of that I get the privelage to walk with others that also feel as strongly as I do about this cause.  I know that not everyone out there will be as passionate as me about giving so I hope that I am able to give an opportunity and a bit of motivation to give with our fundraising events.  When I reach that finish line at 39 miles…I always think…I could have done more, this is not enough.  While that may not be exactly true, I know that because I think this I will keep going until there is a cure.  I honestly believe that if they find a cure for one then the rest will fall into place.  

In the end I am not sure whose life I am truly influencing.  It may be a stranger who benefits from the research afforded by our contributions.  It may be my network that I call upon to support me in this effort.  It may be the children that are still a twinkle in my eye.  One life I know I am influencing is my own.  I am humbled to be able to use my talents and time to make my life better.   Thank you to everyone who has supported me and the Tarheel Tatas team in our fundraising efforts in 2012!  

A pic from our Beer Olympics this weekend!  We raised $2000 for the fight.  Huge!  The money raised was just the icing on the cake because we had so much fun!  Big THANKS to my parents for letting us once again take over the lake house and for all their help cleaning and keeping us in check! 

A team photo from this weekend.  We missed you Melissa but hope you had an amazing birthday! 

I also must note that Leap of Faith Clothing gives 5% back to the Frankie Lemmon School in Raleigh, NC.  This school is truly amazing.  To learn more about them and how you can make a difference in one of their students/families lives click here! 
