Here is my pitch! To relieve some of that pressure I am going to challenge myself to listen to one of Lenny’s Podcast episodes every(work)day! I somehow find the time to listen to my true crime podcasts so shifting that content over to a product management focus is my goal.
I have a story to tell. But full transparency it is overwhelming to think about starting with that here. So to kick off this writing journey I am going to create a challenge for myself. And I am going to write here for accountability and visibility!
I am constantly trying to find the time to gain knowledge in my craft of product management. But if you are a product manager you may know that just to get through the day you have to context shift often. Finding time to go outside of your normal to gain knowledge is NOT EASY. Especially if you identify as a working Mom that is juggling more than work.

If I would setting OKRs here this is what it would look like…
Objective: Complete the Lenny’s Podcast challenge by listening to one podcast episode per (work) day and reflecting on the experience in writing.
Key Result 1: Listen to 28 podcasts in 28 (work) days
Key Result 2: Write 28 reflections after listening to the podcast with key learnings
Key Result 3: Cross post reflections on Medium, Blog, and Linkedin to increase impressions and reach by 100%
Want to join me in this challenge?! Would love that. Mostly because it would hold me accountable. But all I can offer is pride — no prize for completing the challenge. Product management pride!