When I listened to Nickey’s story I felt some kind of permission granted from her. Now I am not delusion, I know she was not talking to me! But I felt like her speaking about her transitions from one company to another to find the right fit for her gave me a sense of relief that I have been doing the same. I often call it my godilocks syndrome. One was too small, one was too big and still on a path to find my “just right” company. Listening to Nickey speak about her time after leaving Etsy and trying to find her personal “market fit” but also her vulnerability about joining a startup and finding out that is not going to work out the way she hoped it would — is eerily similar to the journey I have been on the last year and a half.
Most of the podcasts I have listened to I am coming away with a framework, something to research, or new knowledge I didn’t have before. This one felt like therapy. I often say that I do not want to leave any stone unturned but I also keep coming back to the well of ecommerce. I have interviewed and almost (a story for another day) gotten my foot in the door at 2 financial services companies. But alas always pulled back to the big box ecommerce space. And for some reason if I could have a conversation with Nickey I think she would assure me that this is the right path. That is was okay to try something new but come back to what you know and love. Maybe even potentially that trying that new thing ultimately led me back to what I know and love because alas it is what I know and love.
If you are in the middle of a shift in your career trajectory I highly recommend giving this one a listen. I loved it and cannot wait to learn more from Nickey. Stopping short of asking her to be my therapist I cannot wait to absorb more content from Nickey! Also she is doing some awesome stuff at Duolingo! Adding a screen shot from Nickey’s linkedin profile because it reminds me short tenures do not equal less value.

Where to Listen: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/nickey-skarstad-airbnb-etsy-shopify
Where to find Nickey:
• Newsletter: https://nickey.substack.com/
• TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nickeyskarstad
• LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickeyskarstad/
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/NickeySkarstad
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