I am so happy to be doing this challenge, as one common theme for most of the interviews so far seems to be writing. Jackie is no exception as she has written two books — Cracking the PM Interview and Cracking the PM Career. As Jackie broke into people manager roles she felt a common theme of question and curiosities (as most PMs do) about what to ask during a product manager interview. She started writing her advice down and Cracking the PM Interview was born.

As a product manager you often have to take numerous inputs, find a theme and come up with an output. I love that some PMs identify these inputs outside of their day to day responsibilities and turn that into a money making output.

Jackie’s PEARL framework also is a stroke of genius because as a PM who has interviewed more than you can imagine, our thought process and patterns do not always follow the traditional STAR method most companies want you to follow. We often are quickly moving towards identifying a problem and then to round it out we are always retro-ing to learn from what just happened.

PEARL — Problem, Epiphany, Action, Result, Learning

Jackie was amazing to learn from and I want to give her a nod at being completely transparent about being strategic about what she wants to do next. Very refreshing to hear a strong PM have this perspective on the future!

Where to listen: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/jackie-bavaro-on-how-to-build-product

Where to find Jackie:
– Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackiebo
– Books: Cracking the PM Interview and Cracking the PM Career: https://amzn.to/3If6X9U
– Medium: https://jackiebo.medium.com
– Jackie’s book rec: Getting Things Done, by David Allen
– Current favorite app, Paprika: https://www.paprikaapp.com
– Favorite Twitter: https://twitter.com/hels
– PEARL framework: https://jackiebo.medium.com/interview-tips-for-senior-pms-2424f7b7c967
– Eigenquestions: https://coda.io/@shishir/eigenquestions-the-art-of-framing-problems

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